Welcome! Thank you for selecting Art Dance Academy (ADA) as your School of Ballet and Dance. I am delighted to be in my third year of operation, and I am thankful to you for choosing me in your journey of the performing arts.
In continuing to provide you with great customer service and ongoing communication about your child’s progress in their dance education, an office assistant will be available to you for questions, concerns and other matters relatable. The goal for this addition is to provide the students and teachers with a distraction-free environment during which time it is crucial to give the students undivided attention. This implementation will maximize the quality of care and attention each student requires to enhance their personal growth. For this reason, persons that are not enrolled in classes are asked to wait outside of the studio.
Please note that questions or concerns can always be asked via email at www.artacademydance.com Mail: artdanceacademy16@gmail.com
Parents may also request an appointment through the secretary.
ADA will post events, pictures, deadlines and announcements on the studio’s Facebook.
In addition to a distraction-free environment, we are asking that all cell phone use for any purpose such as, talking, texting, recording, or other, remain off limits by the parents or other persons not otherwise authorized by ADA to photograph or record students.
The studio reserves the right to utilize photos and video of the students taken at performances and events. As a performing arts studio, it is crucial you understand that photography and videography is an essential part of this business. The utilization of such components will be uploaded to various forms of any social media. As an enrolled party of ADA, you are hereby
notified that your objection to ADAs usage of photos and video may result in the student’s ejection from the program.
In the contents of the guidelines below is a description of each policy that I kindly ask you to adhere to during your time at Art Dance Academy.
In advance, thank you for your cooperation!
Admission and Registration
Classes begin August Monday 12, 2024 and will end July 2025.
After the end of the year recital, the studio will be closed one week,”Summer break” (5 business days and Saturday). If you are planning on attending the next school year, your registration and tuition starts on August 11/2025
Registration fee of $45.00 is due annually and it is non-refundable. Students are required to re-register for the start of each school year regardless of the student’s anniversary date (personal start date).
NOTE: Art Dance Academy reserves the right to deny the re-registration of any student. In addition, during the course of the school year, the Director reserves the right to ask for the withdrawal of any student/family who may not in accordance with the rules and regulations of this studio be able to adhere to. Upon the request to withdraw, all monies, deposits, registrations or other fees will be retained by the studio.
Tuition is due before services are rendered. Tuition is accepted on a monthly basis on or before the 5th. After the 5th of the month the student’s paid in full with 10 % of late fee. After the 10 of the month the student’s services will be suspended until tuition is paid in full with late fees, as applicable. All monthly classes consist of four (4) week sessions. Tuition may not be transferable to another class.
NOTE: Tuition is due regardless of absence, vacation, and personal time off, sick leave and Holidays and School Closures. Once you are enrolled in one or ten of the featured classes, your tuition is due monthly for the duration of the school year.
Please note that due to conflict of interest, students that enrolled in multiple dance studios may not be enrolled at ADA. The multiple studio enrollment may be a cause for termination of all classes at ADA. Should this violation apply to you, please note that your monies for all classes or events will not be refundable. You will be charged 10% or more for late payments. (please see tuition)
Parents who are late in picking up their children at the class will pay a $20.
Class Rates
1 Class per week = $80.00 x Month
2 Class per week =$110.00 x Month
3 Class per week =$140.00 x Month
4 Class per week =$165.00 x Month
5 Class per week =$185.00 x Month
6 Class per week =$205.00 x Month
7 Class per week =$225.00 x Month
8 Class per week =$245.00 x Month
9 Class per week =$265.00 x Month
10 Class per week =$315.00 x Month
Each school year the students are challenged and prepared to put forth several featured recitals. To maximize their potential, it is vital to attend classes regularly. While we know that it is your attention to attend classes regularly, there will be occasion in which it is necessary to miss. As a courtesy to the instructor, we kindly ask that you contact the studio and advise of your child’s absence.
In addition to regular attendance, coming prepared to class is another vital component to the success of your child’s dance education. The dress code that is issued for each class must be adhered to. Please note that students must be ready for pick-up at the end of their session.

Scheduled Holidays (studio will be closed)
Scheduled Holidays (studio will be closed)
September 2, 2024 - Labor Day
September 9, 2024- Saturday
October 31, 2024- Halloween
November 25-30, 2024 Thanksgiving Break
December 18, 2024- January 08, 2025
Christmas and New Year Break
January 15, 2025- Martin Luther King Jr
February 17, 2025- President Day
March 24-29, 2025- Spring Break
May 26, 2025 - Memorial Day
July 3 to 7, 2025 - Independence Day Holidays
Studio Holidays (week after recital) -
Tuition is not adjusted during the Holidays and/or Studio closures
Private Classes:
1 hr x 1 Student: $80
1/2 hr x 1 student: $50
1 hr x 2 or more Students: $90+
1/2 hr x 2 or more Students: $60+
*** We prepare Quinceañeras, Wedding and events.
*Tuition is not adjusted during the Holidays and/or Studio closures
*Dress Code
Students must come to class prepared to maximize the use of their time. Therefore, proper shoes, hairstyle and uniform, which is selected by the studio, is required.
The studio reserves the right to provide bathroom facilities to its students only.
Food and Drinks are not permitted on the premises.
Students are enjoyment of the academy is at each students own risk ADA in not responsible for any injuries or accidents inside or in external events.
$ 30 Insufficient Funds Fee
If you are absent during the academy year, when you return to school you must pay for the study period of absence.
You must authorize the direction of the Academy Art Dance Academy to send: mail, text, messages and other information regarding the promotion and information of the ballet school.
We invite all our clients to follow us on our website: http://www.artacademydance.com/ and social networks: Facebook, Instagram, linkedIn, Twitter…
Once again, thank you for your selection, and welcome to Art Dance Academy
Owner/Director Lisette Aguero Pena
1. Attendance Policies and Absences
It is important for students to maintain good attendance in their class as too many absences may affect a student’s progress and future class placement.
Please notify the school office of any absence as soon as possible before the schedule class time either by phone or email.
• Students arriving more than fifteen minutes after the class starts will not be allowed to take it. Instead, they will seat down and observe the class.
2. Students
Our school promotes a healthy environment in which respect and discipline are essential to achieve results.
Students are expected to behave in a proper fashion avoiding gossiping and negative thoughts about their classmates.
Show positive feeling to your fellow dancers and be supportive of each other.• Cell phones should be turned off or in vibration mode.
Students arriving fifteen minutes late should stand by the door and ask the teacher for permission before entering the class.
Use the restroom before class. Students should ask for permission to use the restroom.
Throw away food, gum or candy before entering class.